Dick K7VC and Bob KI7GN at the base of the 72 foot (22.0 m.) US Tower HDX-572MDPL discuss the best way to approach the project. With Dick having injured his hand the previous day, a lot of the high work will fall on Bob's shoulders. The tower footing is 7 feet (2.1 m.) square and 9 feet (2.8 m.) deep. That works out to over 16 cubic yards (12.2 cu. m.) of reinforced concrete! |
starting point! 16 feet
10 inches (5.1 m.) of chromoly steel mast extending from the
top of the tower. After deducting for the owl, approximately
16 feet (4.9 m.) of mast remain to be populated. The
coil of coax at the base of the mast is for the 6 meter
yagi. It will be connected after the antenna is
installed. Bob
KI7GN double-checks the massive M2 Orion 2800P rotor-to-mast
clamp before proceeding.
Dick K7VC comes in
through the back gate and maneuvers the boomlift into
position next to the tower.
KI7GN, Lift Jockey Extraordinaire, takes a bow as we get
ready to lift the first antenna.
"Helpers! Man your
stations!" Dick K7VC, Chuck
NX6W, Don W7CDF, Dick KJ7UK and Duncan WA6RRU (off
camera). Oh, yes, Juneau
(SK) and YL (SK), the two Siberian
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Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2001 Dick Flanagan K7VC. All rights reserved. Updated May 3, 2001